Friday, 30 October 2015

Lawrence of Arabia in Punjab.

After creation of Pakistan, Punjabis IDP’s (Internally Displaced Persons) were shifted from eastern part of Punjab to western part of Punjab, because the land of Punjabis got divided as the result of Pakistan.
Indian Muslims were to stay in India, but Liaquat Ali Khan, one of U.P belonging Muslim League leader, not even elected from any part of United India, became Prime Minister of Pakistan and manipulated to shift Indian Muslims from India to Pakistan for requirement of electoral constituencies and control the Pakistani establishment, business, media and politics.
Majority of Muslims from India were shifted from south western part of India i.e. Rajasthan and Gujrat to Sindh and Southern Punjab.
Muslims from Northern part of India i.e. U.P, C.P were shifted to urban areas of Central and Northern Punjab i.e. Lahore and Rawalpindi and Southern cities of Sindh i.e. Karachi and Hyderabad.
Whereas Biharis were shifted to East Pakistan and after fall of Dhaka they were transferred in Karachi.
Since the creation of Pakistan the urban areas of Central and Northern Punjab i.e. Lahore and Rawalpindi were always remained a safe Haven for U.P, C.P Gunga mafia master mind peoples.
From the base of Central and Northern Punjab, the U.P, C.P Gunga mafia has always played the role like “Lawrence of Arabia” in Punjab by dividing them through backbiting, scandalizing and manipulating them against each other, along with insulting and humiliating the rural masses by declaring them as illiterate and immoral animals because of their language dialect, culture and traditions.
This “U.P, C.P Mafia of Gunga Jumna Culture” is the major and actual crowd in Punjab that is a hindrance in imposition of Punjabi as an educational and official language in Punjab along with social, economical, administrative and political justice with Jangli, Punjabis, Jhangochi Punjabis, Shahpuri Punjabis, Dhani Punjabis and Saraiki/‏Multani Punjabis. ; as a result the sons of Punjabi soil are on the way of disputes, distrust and disintegration into distinct ethnicity as Majhi, Pothohari, Jangli, Jhangochi, Shahpuri, Dhani and Saraiki/‏Multani.
Initially at the time of print media the U.P and C.P Mafia had total control of print media to suppress the voice of actual entities of Pakistan i.e. Sindhi, Pukhtoon and Baloch Nations and Son of Punjabi Soil that is; Majha Punjabis, Pothohari Punjabis, Jangli Punjabis, Jhangochi Punjabis, Shahpuri Punjabis, Dhani Punjabis and Saraiki/‏Multani Punjabis; later on they also managed the control of electronic media but now in era of net media they are again finding the way to control the net media to keep the actual entities of Pakistan disassociated, disable and disintegrated.
Central and northern areas of Punjab belong to Majha and Pothohari Punjabi dialects. These areas are more urbanized and advance, they are mostly engaged in business, industry, military, civil and skilled services. Due to the domination of U.P, C.P Mafia in urban centers of Punjab and sectors of business, industry, military, civil and skilled services, their business and social activities dominate the preference of Gunga Jumna culture and Urdu language.
Whereas Jangli, Jhangochi, Shahpuri, Dhani and Saraiki/‏Multani dialects and areas are more rural and backward, they are mostly engaged in agricultural, livestock business and unskilled services. Their business and social activities dominate the preference of their dialect culture and language.
This “U.P, C.P Mafia of Gunga Jumna Culture” is the actual virus in the stability, integrity and harmony of Pakistan and hindrance in brotherhood of actual entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pukhtoon and Baloch Nations and the son of Punjabi soil that is; Majha Punjabis, Pothohari Punjabis, Jangli Punjabis, Jhangochi Punjabis, Shahpuri Punjabis, Dhani Punjabis and Saraiki/‏Multani Punjabis.
That’s why, the dream of this “U.P, C.P Mafia of Gunga Jumna Culture” from urban areas of Central and Northern Punjab i.e. Lahore and Rawalpindi, Southern cities of Sindh i.e. Karachi and Hyderabad is an autonomous land for Muhajir’s to rule the actual entities of Pakistan i.e. Punjabi, Sindhi, Pukhtoon and Baloch Nations and since the creation of Pakistan, for the task their target is Karachi.

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